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Westside Family Engagement Plan

a boy and girl from westside elementary reading books

What is a School-Parent Compact?

As part of this plan, Westside Elementary and our families will develop a school-parent compact. A compact is a written agreement that families, teachers, and students jointly develop to explain how everyone will work together to ensure all students reach grade-level standards. The compacts will be reviewed and updated annually based on feedback from families, students, and teachers during various event and the annual Title One night.

Family Engagement Plan

This is a plan that describes how Westside Elementary will provide opportunities to improve family engagement to support student learning. Westside Elementary values the contributions and involvement of families to establish an equal partnership for the common goal of improving student achievement. This plan describes the different ways that Westside Elementary will support family engagement and how families can help plan and participate in activities and events to promote student learning at school and at home.

The documents below are the Family Engagement Plan for Westside Elementary School.  As a Title 1 school we are required to inform the public how we are using the Title 1 funds to benefit our students.